It couldn’t be more clear from the Sentinel-2’s side. Take a look at the following image, which was taken the 7th of November 2016, just one day before Trump’s election.

A beautiful bright sky letting the Earth uncovered for the satellite’s eyes. Right in the middle, you can spot the famous White House, the new home of Mister Trump. The West-to-East green park is the National Mall Park with the Washington Monument in the middle throwing its long shadow to the North. It currently points to the Ellipse just in the North. The small circle just above is the White House South Lawn. Trump’s new home is just further North.
Let’s see what Sentinel-2 has reserved for the after-Obama era…

Here we have it! A big fat shadow thrown from a very small cloud (sounds familiar?). This image was taken the 17th of November, so after the election. Things are getting dark now and it seems that the Sentinel-2 satellite wants to give us a message …
And BAM!
The Sentinel-2 satellite is just more than just an amount of steel travelling at fast pace around Earth and taking pictures. He can expressed his feelings by customizing the pictures it takes from outer space. Here is the truth of the Sentinel-2 soul 🙂