Last but not least, I created a new and last Story Map about the second known finalist in this World Cup 2014 in Brazil.
Discover the birthplaces of the Argentinian players and their current clubs, and, in general the whole team which will affront Germany today! Should I mention I did this app in Spanish as I did the German in Dutch, the Australian and Belgian in English ?

The opponent, Germany, has also its own Story Map which was detailed in this Article and which can be visualized again here:

So we have now the finalists and feel free to discover each of the players, their birthplaces and their current clubs! Enjoy!!
The data used for the Argentinian Team Web Application differs slightly for those used for the other Story Maps. I mainly used the information gathered directly for the Argentinian Team space from the FIFA website. The pictures also comes this same page but the birthplaces were found on Wikipedia.
All these information have been put into a csv file but for the geometries, I used the Geocoding Service from esri by working in ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2. This operation has to be done twice: first for the birthplaces and a second time for the clubs the players are playing for. During the edition of these geometries, I attached the player’s number to each of the point and this has later been used as the key for joining the attribute table.
The result of the joint has been exported to a Shapefile and uploaded on ArcGIS Online. From there, the webmap was created and inserted into the Story Maps Template (downloaded from the Story Maps Website).
Enjoy playing with the App and don’t hesitate to leave any comment!